Direct Drive

All Metal Hot End

Auto Levelling

PEI Plate

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SGD $ 400.00

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SV06 3D printer is a new budget 3D printer that suitable for your daily use. It has auto levelling system, and come with PEI flexible plate.

More description below:

More Silent, accurate and precise

New Budget SV06

Also Equipped With

All Metal Planetary Direct Drive Extruder

Sovol Self-developed All Metal Direct Drive Extruder with planetary gear set, provide the printer with higher drive ratio and a lighter motor, helps to achieve more accurate extrusion.

Why You Should Buy SV06

Resume Printing

The resume printing function can make the printer continue printing perfectly after a power outage.

Build Volume

220 x 220 x 250 mm print size, enough for daily use and household use.

Dual Z axis

Dual Z-axis screws and stepper motors improve the accuracy and precision of nozzle’s vertical movement with a specified Z-axis accuracy of 0.001mm.

PEI Build Plate

The PEl-coated Build Plate is flexible, the prints can be removed easily without any tools. The bed is solid, not easy to get scratches even in long-term printing.

G34 Auto Z Align

As UART mode is opened on SV06 mainboard, and G34 updated, SV06 has G34 Auto Z Align function.

If you want to level X axis, all you need to do is click Auto Z-Align, the printer will process X-axis levelling automatically. Saves time and effort.

All Metal Hotend Setup

Capable to print with different materials better and more easily and makes your prints more amazing. Besides, no need to deal with PTFE replacement anymore.

Dual Z axis

Dual Z-axis screws and stepper motors improve the accuracy and precision of the nozzle’s vertical movement with a specified Z-axis accuracy of 0.001mm.

Auto Levelling

SV06 uses inductive sensor to detect the metal print bed with 25 points automatically and compensate the unevenness of the heated bed. The fast, smart and precise detection and compensation to help you get the bed leveled perfectly and get an fantastic first layer.

Belt Tensioner

The big belt tensioner with Sovol lightning sign, very cool, and comfortable to adjust the belt tension to achieve smooth printing result.

The Details of The Product


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